Soto Uke

Fending off attacks from right

In orthodox karate posture, the outside block is executed with the left hand in defence against left punches, left front kicks and right triangle kicks (indicating that the block should be made with the part nearest to the opponent). Don’t move from the hand but the elbow, letting the opponent contact midway between the wrist and elbow.  Describe a gentle circle with the arm to deflect the opponent’s punch down and to his left.  The relative movements of the elbow and hands describe small and large circles, respectively. As the arm rotates, anything attempting to penetrate the cone will naturally be rejected.

The three variations (outside block)

In a fight, a variety of attack patterns can be employed, depending on power, speed and technique. So, it is pretty obvious that a variety of defence patterns will be needed.  Else where on the site we explained how to move from an outside block to kicks, , punches and throws depending on the extent to which the outside block succeeded in destroying your opponents balance. Here, however, we demonstrate how to defend against your opponents techniques, in particular punches, by breaking his balance in three directions: along the horizontal, as well as an upward and in a downward direction.

Through basic practice, learn how to break down your opponent’s attack with the outside block, leading with your elbow and swinging your arm through a horizontal plain. From this basis, vary the block diagonally downwards- in this way you can break your opponent balance even more effectively, placing yourself in a safe position from which to counter.
Be sure to master the slight difference in power used in the three different types of outer block, and you will be able to control the fighting parry more easily and widen the variety of your attacks. Think about it: if you knock his attack upwards, you expose his body if you knock it down, you expose his face.  In other words , a gap will appear in his defences in the opposite direction to that in which you deflected his attack.  There is a massive difference between knowing this and calculating your attacks accordingly, and ploughing into your opponent without thinking in the hope that you might catch him with a chance blow. It is vital to hone your instinct till you attack any gap that appears without a moments thought.
Remember, though, it is no less important to have an understanding beforehand of what openings will be created by the defences, attack logically and force your opponent to open up gaps . As soon as you find a hole in his defence, strike! Create a gap and strike! This two points are the basis of Ashihara Karate fight control.

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My Karate Odyssey
Kaicho Hoosain Narker’s
My Karate Odyssey is now available read more ...

Ashihara Karate
Get Together

Kaicho will visit the Danish Dai Ki Haku Honbu Dojo (Shihan Kurt Orum 9th Dan) in Viborg, Denmark in November 2008

Kaicho returned from a teaching tour of Thailand & Singapore in August/September 2008

World kumite 2008
The World Kumite Championships was held in Pattaya, Thailand in August 2008. This event showcased the true spirit of the Martial Arts and had top fighters from all around the World.  Kaicho was elected to the Executive Committee of Grand Masters.

Sabaki Challenge took place on August 23 in Cape Town - read more ...

The European Summer Camp took place in Belgium on May 23- 25. read more ...

Ashihara Kancho

Ashihara Karate Kaicho