Uchi Uke

The three variations (inside block)

The use of an inside block is opposite to that of the outside block.  In orthodox style you block a left punch with the left hand. The use of the hand sword in the inside block is similar to that of the outside block.  The direction of the technique is of course different , but the same three variations (horizontal, diagonally upwards and downwards ) are possible.  Learn the three variations for the inside and outside blocks, and then add the low and high blocks and you’ll have a wide range of patterns at your disposal. 

You’ll find that combining each of the blocks with various punches, kicks and throws your range of controlled techniques also expands. When you practice blocks, always try to devise assorted blocking and control patterns. Work on ways of adding attacking techniques to make your control of the opponent more natural, and faster. The most important thing is to increase the patterns of control at your command, rather than specialising in just one or two.

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My Karate Odyssey
Kaicho Hoosain Narker’s
My Karate Odyssey is now available read more ...

Ashihara Karate
Get Together

Kaicho will visit the Danish Dai Ki Haku Honbu Dojo (Shihan Kurt Orum 9th Dan) in Viborg, Denmark in November 2008

Kaicho returned from a teaching tour of Thailand & Singapore in August/September 2008

World kumite 2008
The World Kumite Championships was held in Pattaya, Thailand in August 2008. This event showcased the true spirit of the Martial Arts and had top fighters from all around the World.  Kaicho was elected to the Executive Committee of Grand Masters.

Sabaki Challenge took place on August 23 in Cape Town - read more ...

The European Summer Camp took place in Belgium on May 23- 25. read more ...

Ashihara Kancho

Ashihara Karate Kaicho